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Fanquip case study C&R email (5)

What’s Inside?

  •  An overview of Melbourne’s biggest road project.
  • The importance of advanced ventilation systems in maintaining safety during 6.5 km tunnel excavations.
  • How Fanquip’s heavy-duty axial flow fans and flexible ducting delivered efficient airflow in challenging conditions.

Download the full case study now to explore how our ventilation solutions helped to achieve safety and environmental excellence on Victoria’s largest road project.

Download the Case Study.

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Fanquip is keeping the industry on the move through fresh air solutions.



Combat excessive heat and ensure consistent cooling throughout the entire working area. Our range extends from indoor air circulators to outdoor cooling systems.



Extract heat, toxic fumes, odours and other air contaminants from your industrial facility. Our range includes extraction roof fans, relief vents and more.



Capture particles and impurities in the air and circulate clean air back into the environment. Use around sensitive or electrical equipment.



Use industrial heating solutions for temperature regulation, or to aid in the drying curing process for coatings or equipment parts.